How do you declare a constant variable in ES6?
A). const
B). let
C). var
D). function
What does the method Array.from() do?
A). Converts an array to a string
B). Converts an iterable or array-like object to an array
C). Clones an array
D). Filters an array
What is the output of typeof Symbol('description')?
A). 'string'
B). 'object'
C). 'symbol'
D). 'undefined'
How do you import a default export in ES6?
A). import { myFunc } from 'module';
B). import myFunc from 'module';
C). import * as myFunc from 'module';
D). import { default as myFunc } from 'module';
How do you export a function in ES6 modules?
A). export function myFunc() {}
B). module.exports = myFunc;
C). exports.myFunc = function() {}
D). export myFunc = function() {}
What keyword is used to declare a block-scoped variable in ES6?
A). var
B). let
C). const
D). function
What is the output of const x = 10; x = 20;?
A). 20
B). 10
C). Error
D). undefined
What is the output of [...'hello']?
A). ['hello']
B). ['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o']
C). [104, 101, 108, 108, 111]
D). ['h', 'e', 'll', 'o']
What is the correct syntax to create a class in ES6?
A). class MyClass {}
B). class = MyClass {}
C). new MyClass = class {}
D). create class MyClass {}
How do you interpolate variables in a string using template literals?
A). Hello, + name + '!'
B). Hello, ${name}!
C). 'Hello, ' + name + '!'
D). Both A and B