- ASP.NET Web Pages - Tutorial
- ASP.NET Web Pages - Adding Razor Code
- ASP.NET Web Pages - Page Layout
- ASP.NET Web Pages - Folders
- ASP.NET Web Pages - Global Pages
- ASP.NET Web Pages - HTML Forms
- ASP.NET Web Pages - Objects
- ASP.NET Web Pages - Files
- ASP.NET Web Pages - Databases
- ASP.NET Web Pages - Helpers
- ASP.NET Web Pages - The WebGrid Helper
- ASP.NET Web Pages - The Chart Helper
- ASP.NET Web Pages - The WebMail Helper
- ASP.NET Web Pages - WebSecurity Object
- ASP.NET Web Pages - Publishing The Website
- ASP.NET Web Pages - Classes
- ASP.NET Razor - Markup
- ASP.NET Razor - C# And VB Code Syntax
- ASP.NET Razor - C# Variables
- ASP.NET Razor - C# Loops And Arrays
- ASP.NET Razor - C# Logic Conditions
- ASP.NET Razor - VB Variables
- ASP.NET Razor - VB Loops And Arrays
- ASP.NET Razor - VB Logic Conditions
- ASP Tutorial
- ASP Syntax
- ASP Variables
- ASP Procedures
- VBScript Conditional Statements
- VBScript Looping
- ASP Forms And User Input
- ASP Cookies
- ASP Session Object
- ASP Application Object
- ASP Including Files
- ASP The Global.asa File
- ASP Sending E-mail With CDOSYS
- VBScript Functions
- VBScript Keywords
- ASP Response Object
- ASP Application Object
- ASP Session Object
- ASP Server Object
- ASP ASPError Object
- ASP FileSystemObject Object
- ASP TextStream Object
- ASP Drive Object
- ASP File Object
- ASP Folder Object
- ASP Dictionary Object
- ASP AdRotator Component
- ASP Browser Capabilities Component
- ASP Content Linking Component
- ASP Content Rotator Component (ASP 3.0)
- ASP Quick Reference
- ADO Introduction
- ADO Database Connection
- ADO Recordset
- ADO Display
- ADO Queries
- ADO Sort
- ADO Add Records
- ADO Update Records
- ADO Delete Records
- ADO Demonstration
- ADO Speed Up With GetString()
- ADO Command Object
- ADO Connection Object
- ADO Error Object
- ADO Field Object
- ADO Parameter Object
- ADO Property Object
- ADO Record Object
- ADO Recordset Object
- ADO Stream Object
- ADO Data Types
ADO Connection Object
Connection Object
The ADO Connection Object is used to create an open connection to a data source. Through this connection, you can access and manipulate a database.
If you want to access a database multiple times, you should establish a connection using the Connection object. You can also make a connection to a database by passing a connection string via a Command or Recordset object. However, this type of connection is only good for one specific, single query.
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Property | Description |
Attributes | Sets or returns the attributes of a Connection object |
CommandTimeout | Sets or returns the number of seconds to wait while attempting to execute a command |
ConnectionString | Sets or returns the details used to create a connection to a data source |
ConnectionTimeout | Sets or returns the number of seconds to wait for a connection to open |
CursorLocation | Sets or returns the location of the cursor service |
DefaultDatabase | Sets or returns the default database name |
IsolationLevel | Sets or returns the isolation level |
Mode | Sets or returns the provider access permission |
Provider | Sets or returns the provider name |
State | Returns a value describing if the connection is open or closed |
Version | Returns the ADO version number |
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Method | Description |
BeginTrans | Begins a new transaction |
Cancel | Cancels an execution |
Close | Closes a connection |
CommitTrans | Saves any changes and ends the current transaction |
Execute | Executes a query, statement, procedure or provider specific text |
Open | Opens a connection |
OpenSchema | Returns schema information from the provider about the data source |
RollbackTrans | Cancels any changes in the current transaction and ends the transaction |
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Note: You cannot handle events using VBScript or JScript (only Visual Basic, Visual C++, and Visual J++ languages can handle events).
Event | Description |
BeginTransComplete | Triggered after the BeginTrans operation |
CommitTransComplete | Triggered after the CommitTrans operation |
ConnectComplete | Triggered after a connection starts |
Disconnect | Triggered after a connection ends |
ExecuteComplete | Triggered after a command has finished executing |
InfoMessage | Triggered if a warning occurs during a ConnectionEvent operation |
RollbackTransComplete | Triggered after the RollbackTrans operation |
WillConnect | Triggered before a connection starts |
WillExecute | Triggered before a command is executed |
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Collection | Description |
Errors | Contains all the Error objects of the Connection object |
Properties | Contains all the Property objects of the Connection object |
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