Reading from Files in PHP:

PHP provides various functions to read data from files. The most common approach involves the use of file handling functions such as fopen, fgets, fread, and fclose.

Opening a File:

To open a file, you can use the fopen function. It takes two parameters: the file name/path and the mode in which you want to open the file (read, write, append, etc.).

$filename = "example.txt";
$handle = fopen($filename, "r"); // "r" mode for reading
if ($handle === false) {
    die("Unable to open file: $filename");

Reading Line by Line:

The fgets function reads a single line from the file pointer.

while (!feof($handle)) {
    $line = fgets($handle);
    echo $line;

Reading Entire File Content:

The fread function reads a specified number of bytes from the file.

$contents = fread($handle, filesize($filename));
echo $contents;

Closing the File:

Always remember to close the file after you've finished reading from it using the fclose function.


Example: Reading from a File:

Let's say we have a file named "example.txt" with the following content:

Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
$filename = "example.txt";
$handle = fopen($filename, "r");

if ($handle === false) {
    die("Unable to open file: $filename");

while (!feof($handle)) {
    $line = fgets($handle);
    echo $line;


This PHP code will read each line from the file "example.txt" and output it to the browser.

Writing to Files in PHP:

PHP also provides functions to write data to files. You can use fopen with the modes "w" (write) or "a" (append) to open files for writing.

Opening a File for Writing:

$filename = "example.txt";
$handle = fopen($filename, "w"); // "w" mode for writing
if ($handle === false) {
    die("Unable to open file: $filename");

Writing Data to a File:

You can use the fwrite function to write data to the opened file.

$data = "Hello, World!";
fwrite($handle, $data);

Appending Data to a File:

To append data to an existing file, open the file in "a" mode.

$data = "Appending new content!";
fwrite($handle, $data);

Closing the File:

Don't forget to close the file after writing.


Example: Writing to a File:

Let's create a PHP script to write some content to a file named "example.txt".

$filename = "example.txt";
$handle = fopen($filename, "w");

if ($handle === false) {
    die("Unable to open file: $filename");

$data = "Hello, World!";
fwrite($handle, $data);


This script will create a new file "example.txt" if it doesn't exist and write the text "Hello, World!" to it.

Error Handling:

Always handle potential errors when working with files, such as checking if the file exists, verifying permissions, and handling exceptions gracefully.

$filename = "example.txt";

// Check if file exists
if (!file_exists($filename)) {
    die("File does not exist: $filename");

// Check if file is readable
if (!is_readable($filename)) {
    die("File is not readable: $filename");

// Open file
$handle = fopen($filename, "r");
if ($handle === false) {
    die("Unable to open file: $filename");

// Read or write operations...

// Close file

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