In JavaScript you cannot use these reserved words as variables, labels, or function names:

abstract arguments await* boolean
break byte case catch
char class* const continue
debugger default delete do
double else enum* eval
export* extends* false final
finally float for function
goto if implements import*
in instanceof int interface
let* long native new
null package private protected
public return short static
super* switch synchronized this
throw throws transient true
try typeof var void
volatile while with yield

Words marked with* are new in ECMAScript 5 and 6.

Removed Reserved Words

The following reserved words have been removed from the ECMAScript 5/6 standard:
abstract boolean byte char
double final float goto
int long native short
synchronized throws transient volatile

Do not use these words as variables. ECMAScript 5/6 does not have full support in all browsers.


JavaScript Objects, Properties, and Methods

You should also avoid using the name of JavaScript built-in objects, properties, and methods:
Array Date eval function
hasOwnProperty Infinity isFinite isNaN
isPrototypeOf length Math NaN
name Number Object prototype
String toString undefined valueOf


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