An identifier in JavaScript is a sequence of characters that represent a variable, function, class, object, or label. Identifiers are used to uniquely identify and reference these elements within the code. They can include letters, digits, underscores (_), and dollar signs ($) but must follow certain rules and conventions.

Rules for JavaScript Identifiers:

Start with a Letter, Underscore (_), or Dollar Sign ($): Identifiers must begin with a letter (a-z or A-Z), an underscore (_), or a dollar sign ($). For example, varName, _variable, $count.

Subsequent Characters: After the initial character, identifiers can include letters, digits (0-9), underscores (_), or dollar signs ($). They cannot start with a digit. For example, myVariable, total_count, firstName1.

Case Sensitivity: JavaScript identifiers are case-sensitive. This means that myVar and myvar are considered different identifiers.

Reserved Words: Identifiers cannot be reserved words or keywords used in JavaScript. For example, you cannot name a variable function, class, if, else, etc.

Unicode Characters: JavaScript allows Unicode characters (UTF-8) in identifiers. However, it's a best practice to use English letters and avoid non-ASCII characters for compatibility and readability.

Cannot Contain Spaces: Identifiers cannot contain spaces. If you need a multi-word identifier, use camelCase, snake_case, or kebab-case conventions.

Examples of Valid Identifiers:
  • firstName
  • _totalCount
  • $amount
  • variable123
  • calculateSum
  • userEmail
  • myFunction
  • PI
  • snake_case_variable
  • kebab-case-variable

Examples of Invalid Identifiers:
  • 123variable (Starts with a digit)
  • first name (Contains space)
  • if (Reserved keyword)
  • break (Reserved keyword)
  • let (Reserved keyword)
  • var-name (Contains hyphen)

JavaScript Identifier Conventions:

Camel Case: In JavaScript, camelCase is a common convention for naming variables, functions, and object properties. It starts with a lowercase letter and each subsequent word begins with a capital letter. Example: firstName, totalAmount, calculateInterest.

Snake Case: Snake case uses underscores (_) to separate words in an identifier. It is commonly used for naming constants or variables in some coding styles. Example: first_name, total_count, calculate_sum.

Kebab Case: Kebab case uses hyphens (-) to separate words in an identifier. While not as common in JavaScript, it is used in CSS and some JavaScript libraries for naming classes or IDs. Example: user-profile, nav-bar, button-primary.

Using Identifiers in JavaScript:


let firstName = 'John';
const MAX_COUNT = 100;

function calculateSum(a, b) {
    return a + b;

let user = {
    firstName: 'John',
    lastName: 'Doe'


class Rectangle {
    constructor(width, height) {
        this.width = width;
        this.height = height;

    calculateArea() {
        return this.width * this.height;



for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    for (let j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
        if (i * j === 8) {
            console.log('Breaks the outer loop');
            break outerLoop;

Best Practices for JavaScript Identifiers:
  • Descriptive and Meaningful: Use meaningful names that describe the purpose or content of the identifier. This improves code readability and understanding.
  • Consistent Naming Convention: Stick to a consistent naming convention (camelCase, snake_case, kebab-case) throughout your codebase for uniformity.
  • Avoid Abbreviations: Avoid excessive abbreviations in identifiers. Use clear and understandable names even if they are slightly longer.
  • Avoid Reserved Words: Never use reserved words or keywords as identifiers in JavaScript.
  • Use English Letters: While JavaScript allows Unicode characters, it's recommended to use English letters for identifiers to ensure compatibility and readability.
  • Follow Coding Standards: If working in a team or following a specific coding standard (like Airbnb, Google), adhere to the conventions and guidelines for naming identifiers.


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