JavaScript is a dynamically typed language, meaning variables are not bound to a specific data type. Instead, they can hold values of various types. Here's an explanation of JavaScript data types with examples:

1. Primitive Data Types

These are the basic data types in JavaScript:

a. Number

Represents both integers and floating-point numbers.


let age = 30; // integer
let temperature = 98.6; // floating-point number

b. String

Represents text enclosed in single or double quotes.


let name = 'John Doe';
let message = "Welcome to JavaScript!";

c. Boolean

Represents true or false values.


let isLogged = true;
let isExpired = false;

d. Undefined

Represents a variable that has been declared but not assigned a value.


let x;
console.log(x); // Outputs: undefined

e. Null

Represents an intentional absence of any value.


let score = null;
f. Symbol

Introduced in ES6, represents a unique and immutable data type.


const KEY = Symbol('unique key');

2. Complex Data Types

These are also known as reference types and can hold collections of data or complex entities:

a. Object

Represents a collection of key-value pairs where the keys are strings.


let person = {
    name: 'Alice',
    age: 25,
    isAdmin: false

b. Array

Represents a list-like object of elements.


et colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue'];

c. Function

Represents a reusable block of code.


function greet(name) {
    console.log(`Hello, ${name}!`);

3. Data Type Checking

JavaScript provides operators and methods for checking the data type of a variable:

a. typeof Operator

Returns a string indicating the type of a variable.


console.log(typeof 42); // Outputs: "number"
console.log(typeof 'hello'); // Outputs: "string"
console.log(typeof true); // Outputs: "boolean"

b. instanceof Operator

Checks whether an object is an instance of a specific object type.


let fruits = ['apple', 'banana', 'orange'];
console.log(fruits instanceof Array); // Outputs: true

4. Type Coercion

JavaScript performs implicit type coercion, converting values between types during operations:

a. String Concatenation

Numbers are coerced into strings when concatenated with strings.


let num = 42;
let str = 'The answer is ' + num; // Result: "The answer is 42"

b. Numeric Operations

Strings containing numeric characters are coerced into numbers during arithmetic operations.


let total = '10' - 5; // Result: 5 (string "10" coerced into number)

5. NaN and Infinity

JavaScript has special values for representing "not a number" (NaN) and infinity:

a. NaN (Not a Number)

Represents an invalid or unrepresentable value resulting from arithmetic operations.


console.log(0 / 0); // Outputs: NaN

b. Infinity

Represents positive infinity.


console.log(1 / 0); // Outputs: Infinity

JavaScript supports various data types, including primitive types like numbers, strings, booleans, and reference types like objects, arrays, and functions.

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