Which operator can be used to combine a string with a number in JavaScript?

Answer & Solution

Answer: Option A
The + operator in JavaScript can be used to concatenate a string with a number, converting the number to a string if necessary.
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A). '53'

B). 8

C). 53

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A). string1.concat(string2)

B). string1 + string2

C). string1.join(string2)

D). string1.combine(string2)

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A). string.replace(oldSubstring, newSubstring)

B). string.extractReplace(old, new)

C). string.modify(old, new)

D). string.substitute(old, new)

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A). string.length

B). string.size

C). string.length()

D). lengthOf(string)

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A). Extracts characters between two indices

B). Trims whitespace from the beginning

C). Converts string to an array

D). Compares two strings

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A). string.startsWith(substring)

B). string.startsWithWith(substring)

C). string.beginsWith(substring)

D). string.starts(substring)

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A). string.indexOf(substring)

B). string.index(substring)

C). substring.positionIn(string)

D). string.search(substring)

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A). string.slice(start, end)

B). string.extract(start, end)

C). string.split(start, end)

D). string.join(start, end)

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A). Concatenates strings

B). Compares strings

C). Trims strings

D). Converts strings to uppercase

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A). 'p'

B). 'l'

C). 'a'

D). 'pp'