Which of the following is not a valid JavaScript variable name?

Answer & Solution

Answer: Option C
'' contains invalid characters for a variable name.
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Which of the following is a valid JavaScript function name?

A). function 1

B). function_name

C). function()

D). $function

What is the correct spelling for the naming convention starting with uppercase for each word?

A). Pascal_Case

B). pascalcase

C). pascalCase

D). PascalCase

Which of the following is not a valid JavaScript identifier?

A). first_name

B). $2users

C). break

D). myVar

What is the best practice for naming JavaScript identifiers?

A). Use short and cryptic names

B). Use meaningful and descriptive names

C). Use reserved keywords as identifiers

D). Use Unicode characters in identifiers

What is the purpose of following naming conventions for identifiers?

A). Improve code performance

B). Enhance code readability and maintainability

C). Ensure cross-browser compatibility

D). Reduce code size

What is the correct way to represent a constant in JavaScript?


B). constantValue

C). const_value

D). ConstValue

Which type of case conversion is commonly used for naming variables in JavaScript?


B). lowercase

C). camelCase

D). kebab-case

What is the naming convention that starts with a lowercase letter and each subsequent word starts with a capital letter?

A). camelCase

B). Snake_Case

C). kebab-case

D). PascalCase

What is the correct way to represent the identifier 'improveCode' using camelCase?

A). improveCode

B). Improve-Code


D). improve_code

Which naming convention uses hyphens to separate words?

A). CamelCase

B). snake_case

C). Kebab-Case

D). PascalCase