Which of the following is not a valid JavaScript identifier?
A). my_var
B). $amount
C). const
D). variable1
Which naming convention uses hyphens to separate words?
A). CamelCase
B). snake_case
C). Kebab-Case
D). PascalCase
Which of the following is a valid JavaScript identifier?
A). user-name
B). 2users
C). _user
D). user name
What is the correct way to represent a constant in JavaScript?
B). constantValue
C). const_value
D). ConstValue
What is the naming convention that starts with a lowercase letter and each subsequent word starts with a capital letter?
A). camelCase
B). Snake_Case
C). kebab-case
D). PascalCase
What is the significance of using meaningful names for identifiers?
A). Improve code efficiency
B). Make the code shorter
C). Enhance code readability
D). Ensure code security
Which naming convention separates words with underscores?
A). camelCase
B). PascalCase
C). snake_case
D). kebab-case
Which of the following is a valid JavaScript function name?
A). function 1
B). function_name
C). function()
D). $function
Which of the following is a valid JavaScript variable name?
A). $varName
B). first_name
D). _variable
What is the correct way to represent the identifier 'improveCode' using camelCase?
A). improveCode
B). Improve-Code
D). improve_code