Which jQuery method is used to dynamically load content from the server?

Answer & Solution

Answer: Option C
The $.load() method is used to dynamically load content from the server in jQuery.
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Which option allows you to specify the URL to send the AJAX request to in $.ajax()?

A). A. type

B). B. data

C). C. url

D). D. dataType

How does AJAX content loading differ from traditional page navigation?

A). A. It requires server restart

B). B. It allows for partial updates

C). C. It only works with JSON data

D). D. It doesn't support HTTPS

How can you prevent the default form submission behavior using jQuery?

A). A. Using event.preventDefault()

B). B. Using event.stopPropagation()

C). C. Using $.ajax()

D). D. Using $.post()

Which method is used to serialize form data for AJAX submission in jQuery?

A). A. $.serialize()

B). B. $.post()

C). C. $.get()

D). D. $.load()

What method in jQuery is commonly used to handle AJAX requests?

A). A. $.ajax()

B). B. $.submit()

C). C. $.click()

D). D. $.toggle()

Which option in $.ajax() is used to specify additional data to be sent to the server with the request?

A). A. data

B). B. type

C). C. url

D). D. success

What does the error option in $.ajax() handle?

A). A. Successful responses

B). B. Request timeout

C). C. Request errors

D). D. Data serialization errors

Which option in $.ajax() is used to specify the expected data type of the server response?

A). A. dataType

B). B. contentType

C). C. responseType

D). D. data

What is the purpose of AJAX-based content loading?

A). A. To improve website security

B). B. To reduce server load

C). C. To simplify HTML structure

D). D. To enhance user experience

Which method in $.ajax() is used to handle AJAX requests when they are complete, regardless of success or failure?

A). A. always

B). B. done

C). C. complete

D). D. alwaysDone