What is the significance of case sensitivity in JavaScript?

Answer & Solution

Answer: Option D
Case sensitivity allows identifiers to be unique even if they differ only in letter casing.
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What will be the output of the following code? let name = 'Alice'; let Name = 'Bob'; console.log(name, Name);

A). Alice Bob

B). Bob Alice

C). Alice Alice

D). Bob Bob

What is the effect of case sensitivity on debugging JavaScript code?

A). No effect

B). Makes it easier

C). Makes it harder

D). No significant impact

What is the recommended naming convention for JavaScript functions?

A). camelCase


C). snake_case

D). PascalCase

What happens if you try to declare two variables with the same name but different cases?

A). Error

B). Both are declared

C). Only one is declared

D). None of the above

Is 'myfunction' the same as 'myFunction' in JavaScript?

A). Yes

B). No

C). Only in strict mode

D). Only in non-strict mode

Can a function and a variable have the same name with different cases in JavaScript?

A). Yes

B). No

C). Only in strict mode

D). Only in non-strict mode

How does JavaScript differentiate between 'myFunction()' and 'myfunction()'?

A). As the same function

B). As different functions

C). As a syntax error

D). As a reserved keyword

Which of the following is a correct variable declaration in JavaScript?

A). var Variable = 1;

B). var variable = 1;

C). Both A and B

D). None of the above

How does JavaScript interpret the following? let varName = 5; let VarName = 10; console.log(varName, VarName);

A). 5 5

B). 10 10

C). 5 10

D). 10 5

Which of the following function names are considered identical in JavaScript?

A). myFunction and MyFunction

B). myfunction and myFunction

C). myFunction and myfunction

D). None of the above