What does the .attr() method do in jQuery?

Answer & Solution

Answer: Option B
<p>The .attr() method in jQuery is used to get or set attributes of elements.
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A). $('example')

B). $('#example')

C). $('.example')

D). document.getElementById('example')

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A). document.onload

B). Embedding jQuery code

C). jQuery.ready()

D). window.onload

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A). execute()

B). ready()

C). load()

D). complete()

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A). Loop through elements

B). Handle events

C). Create animations

D). Perform AJAX requests

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A). Variable name

B). Define a function

C). jQuery object

D). Comment

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A). JavaScript framework

B). Programming language

C). Markup language

D). Database language

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A). Select by tag name

B). Cannot select by ID

C). Can select by various criteria

D). Limited to selecting parent elements

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A). Remove a class

B). Add a class

C). Toggle a class

D). Hide an element

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A). $('#element').animate({width: '+=100px'})

B). $('#element').animate({width: '100px'})

C). $('#element').width('100px')

D). $('#element').style

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A). selectByClass()

B). getElementByClass()

C). querySelector()

D). $('.className')