Answer & Solution
<p>jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library that simplifies various tasks in web development like HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and AJAX interaction.
<p>jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library that simplifies various tasks in web development like HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and AJAX interaction.
How do you select an element with ID 'example' using jQuery?
A). $('example')
B). $('#example')
C). $('.example')
D). document.getElementById('example')
What is the purpose of the .fadeIn() method in jQuery?
A). Show element with fading effect
B). Hide element with fading effect
C). Toggle visibility of element with fading effect
D). Adjust opacity of element gradually
How can you execute jQuery code after the DOM is fully loaded?
A). document.onload
B). Embedding jQuery code
C). jQuery.ready()
D). window.onload
What is the purpose of the .html() method in jQuery?
A). Change HTML content
B). Get HTML content
C). Add HTML content
D). Hide an element
How can you animate an element's width using jQuery?
A). $('#element').animate({width: '+=100px'})
B). $('#element').animate({width: '100px'})
C). $('#element').width('100px')
D). $('#element').style
What does the $ sign represent in jQuery syntax?
A). Variable name
B). Define a function
C). jQuery object
D). Comment
How can you include jQuery in an HTML document?
B). External file
C). <script>
D). Embedding code
Which of the following is true about jQuery selectors?
A). Select by tag name
B). Cannot select by ID
C). Can select by various criteria
D). Limited to selecting parent elements
Which function is used to execute code when the DOM is fully loaded in jQuery?
A). execute()
B). ready()
C). load()
D). complete()
What is the purpose of the .on() method in jQuery?
A). Loop through elements
B). Handle events
C). Create animations
D). Perform AJAX requests