What does CSS stand for?

Answer & Solution

Answer: Option A
CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. It is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in HTML.
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Which CSS property is used to control the size of an element relative to its containing element?

A). A) width

B). B) size

C). C) scale

D). D) zoom

Which of the following is NOT a valid CSS selector?

A). A) #myDiv .class

B). B) 1stParagraph

C). C) .myClass > p

D). D) p + span

What does the CSS property 'display: none;' do?

A). A) Hides the element but reserves its space

B). B) Hides the element and removes its space

C). C) Shows the element

D). D) Displays the element with reduced opacity

What is the purpose of CSS frameworks like Bootstrap?

A). A) To create animations and transitions

B). B) To provide pre-designed UI components

C). C) To optimize CSS performance

D). D) To generate CSS automatically

What is the purpose of CSS media queries?

A). A) To create animations for different screen sizes

B). B) To specify the layout for different devices

C). C) To control the appearance of text

D). D) To optimize CSS performance for mobile devices

What is the purpose of CSS resets?

A). A) To remove all styling from elements

B). B) To reset the layout of a webpage

C). C) To normalize styles across browsers

D). D) To optimize CSS performance

Which CSS property is used to specify the font family of text?

A). A) font-family

B). B) text-family

C). C) font-type

D). D) text-font

Which CSS property is used to add shadows to elements?

A). A) box-shadow

B). B) shadow

C). C) text-shadow

D). D) element-shadow

What is the purpose of CSS preprocessors like SASS and LESS?

A). A) To minify CSS code

B). B) To compile CSS to JavaScript

C). C) To enhance CSS with features like variables and nesting

D). D) To debug CSS code

In CSS, which property is used to change the font size?

A). A) font-size

B). B) text-size

C). C) size

D). D) font-style