What does the 'Cascading' in CSS refer to?

Answer & Solution

Answer: Option C
The 'Cascading' in CSS refers to the process of combining multiple stylesheets and resolving conflicts according to a specific order, such as user agent styles, author styles, and user styles.
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A). A) To remove all styling from elements

B). B) To reset the layout of a webpage

C). C) To normalize styles across browsers

D). D) To optimize CSS performance

Which CSS property is used to specify the color of text?

A). A) text-color

B). B) color

C). C) font-color

D). D) text-style

Which CSS unit is based on the font size of the root element?

A). A) em

B). B) px

C). C) %

D). D) vw

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A). A) font-size

B). B) text-size

C). C) size

D). D) font-style

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A). A) #myDiv .class

B). B) 1stParagraph

C). C) .myClass > p

D). D) p + span

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A). A) Floats the element to the left of its parent

B). B) Floats the element to the right of its parent

C). C) Floats the element to the left of the document

D). D) Floats the element to the right of the document

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A). A) font-family

B). B) text-family

C). C) font-type

D). D) text-font

What does CSS stand for?

A). A) Cascading Style Sheets

B). B) Creative Style Solutions

C). C) Centralized Styling System

D). D) Computerized Styling Service

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A). A) Positions the element relative to its parent

B). B) Positions the element relative to the viewport

C). C) Positions the element absolutely

D). D) Positions the element relative to the document flow

What is the purpose of CSS media queries?

A). A) To create animations for different screen sizes

B). B) To specify the layout for different devices

C). C) To control the appearance of text

D). D) To optimize CSS performance for mobile devices