In a quadratic Bezier curve, how many control points are used?

Answer & Solution

Answer: Option A
A quadratic Bezier curve uses 2 control points and 2 end points. These control points influence the curve's shape and direction, allowing for curved paths that are less complex than cubic Bezier curves.
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How many control points does a cubic Bezier curve have?

A). 2

B). 3

C). 4

D). 1

What is the purpose of the 'S' command in SVG paths?

A). Draw a smooth cubic Bezier curve

B). Draw a straight line

C). Draw a quadratic Bezier curve

D). Skip the current path

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A). Draw a vertical line

B). Draw a curve

C). Draw a quadratic Bezier curve

D). Skip the current path

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A). Cubic Bezier Curve

B). Quadratic Bezier Curve

C). Linear Bezier Curve

D). Arc Bezier Curve

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A). Arc

B). Add

C). Anchor

D). Apply

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A). Draw a quadratic Bezier curve

B). Draw a cubic Bezier curve

C). Draw a straight line

D). Skip the current path

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A). Smooth Curve

B). Shift

C). Scale

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A). 3

B). 4

C). 5

D). 2

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A). Cubic Bezier Curve

B). Quadratic Bezier Curve

C). Linear Bezier Curve

D). Arc Bezier Curve

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B). Create a circle

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