How many control points does a cubic Bezier curve have?
A). 2
B). 3
C). 4
D). 1
What is the function of the 'L' command in SVG paths?
A). Draw a straight line
B). Draw a curve
C). Draw a closed path
D). Draw a square
What is the function of the SVG path command 'M'?
A). Move To
B). Make
C). Merge
D). Modify
How many segments does a cubic Bezier curve have between two end points?
A). 3
B). 4
C). 5
D). 2
What does the SVG path command 'A' stand for?
A). Arc
B). Add
C). Anchor
D). Apply
How many control points does a quadratic Bezier curve have?
A). 2
B). 3
C). 4
D). 1
What is the function of the 'Q' command in SVG paths?
A). Draw a quadratic Bezier curve
B). Draw a cubic Bezier curve
C). Draw a straight line
D). Skip the current path
Which SVG path command is used to draw a cubic Bezier curve?
A). C
B). Q
C). L
D). M
What is the purpose of the 'S' command in SVG paths?
A). Draw a smooth cubic Bezier curve
B). Draw a straight line
C). Draw a quadratic Bezier curve
D). Skip the current path
What is the function of the 'V' command in SVG paths?
A). Draw a vertical line
B). Draw a curve
C). Draw a quadratic Bezier curve
D). Skip the current path