Which CSS technique is commonly used for creating responsive grids?
A). <div>Flexbox
B). <div>Floats
C). <div>Positioning
D). <div>Transforms
How does using percentages for widths benefit responsive layouts?
A). <div>It allows elements to overflow their containers.
B). <div>It ensures elements have fixed widths on all devices.
C). <div>It allows elements to scale proportionally based on the viewport size.
D). <div>It restricts the layout to a specific screen resolution.
What is the purpose of using @media in CSS?
A). <div>To target specific HTML elements.
B). <div>To define media queries for responsive design.
C). <div>To apply inline styles to elements.
D). <div>To specify font styles and colors.
How do media queries with orientation: landscape and orientation: portrait help in responsive design?
A). <div>They target devices based on color schemes.
B). <div>They target devices based on screen aspect ratio.
C). <div>They target devices based on screen resolution.
D). <div>They target devices based on screen orientation.
How can media queries help in creating a responsive navigation menu?
A). <div>By using fixed widths for menu items.
B). <div>By hiding the navigation menu on smaller screens.
C). <div>By applying different styles to the menu based on viewport size.
D). <div>By using animations for menu transitions.
Which media feature is commonly used in media queries to target smaller screens, such as smartphones?
A). <div>min-width
B). <div>max-width
C). <div>aspect-ratio
D). <div>orientation
What does a fluid grid layout achieve in responsive design?
A). <div>It uses fixed widths for all elements.
B). <div>It ensures elements maintain their relative proportions when the viewport size changes.
C). <div>It restricts the layout to a specific viewport size.
D). <div>It adds unnecessary padding and margins.
How does using em or rem units benefit responsive typography in CSS?
A). <div>They ensure text remains the same size on all devices.
B). <div>They allow text to scale based on the parent element's font size.
C). <div>They restrict text size to a specific pixel value.
D). <div>They apply a fixed font size to all text elements.
How can responsive design improve user experience across devices?
A). <div>By using heavy animations and visual effects.
B). <div>By providing consistent and optimized layouts across different devices.
C). <div>By hiding content on smaller screens.
D). <div>By restricting access based on screen resolution.
What is the role of breakpoints in media queries for responsive design?
A). <div>They define specific screen widths where styles change.
B). <div>They define specific font sizes for different devices.
C). <div>They define the maximum number of elements on a page.
D). <div>They define specific color schemes for different devices.