What does the orientation media feature target in media queries?
A). <div>Device's color scheme.
B). <div>Device's aspect ratio.
C). <div>Device's screen size.
D). <div>Device's screen orientation (portrait or landscape).
What is a breakpoint in responsive design?
A). <div>A point where the code breaks and stops working.
B). <div>A specific screen width where the layout adjusts.
C). <div>A line of code that defines media queries.
D). <div>A visual indication of device compatibility.
What is the role of breakpoints in media queries for responsive design?
A). <div>They define specific screen widths where styles change.
B). <div>They define specific font sizes for different devices.
C). <div>They define the maximum number of elements on a page.
D). <div>They define specific color schemes for different devices.
How does the min-resolution media feature benefit high-resolution displays in media queries?
A). <div>It targets devices with reduced screen resolution.
B). <div>It targets devices with specific pixel densities.
C). <div>It targets devices with limited color capabilities.
D). <div>It targets devices with slower processing speeds.
How does using em or rem units benefit responsive typography in CSS?
A). <div>They ensure text remains the same size on all devices.
B). <div>They allow text to scale based on the parent element's font size.
C). <div>They restrict text size to a specific pixel value.
D). <div>They apply a fixed font size to all text elements.
Which CSS technique is commonly used for creating responsive grids?
A). <div>Flexbox
B). <div>Floats
C). <div>Positioning
D). <div>Transforms
How can media queries be used to create a mobile-first responsive design approach?
A). <div>By targeting desktop screens first.
B). <div>By targeting mobile screens first.
C). <div>By targeting tablets first.
D). <div>By targeting large screens first.
What is the primary goal of designing a responsive layout?
A). <div>To focus on aesthetics and visual appeal.
B). <div>To ensure the website looks the same on all devices.
C). <div>To provide a consistent and optimal user experience across different viewport sizes and devices.
D). <div>To use advanced animations and effects.
How do media queries with orientation: landscape and orientation: portrait help in responsive design?
A). <div>They target devices based on color schemes.
B). <div>They target devices based on screen aspect ratio.
C). <div>They target devices based on screen resolution.
D). <div>They target devices based on screen orientation.
How does using percentages for widths benefit responsive layouts?
A). <div>It allows elements to overflow their containers.
B). <div>It ensures elements have fixed widths on all devices.
C). <div>It allows elements to scale proportionally based on the viewport size.
D). <div>It restricts the layout to a specific screen resolution.