How do you handle successful AJAX responses using jQuery?

Answer & Solution

Answer: Option C
Successful AJAX responses are handled using the success option in $.ajax(), which defines a callback function to manage successful responses.
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How does AJAX-based content loading contribute to better user experience?

A). A. By increasing page load times

B). B. By reducing server load

C). C. By enabling partial updates

D). D. By encrypting server responses

Which option in $.ajax() is used to specify additional data to be sent to the server with the request?

A). A. data

B). B. type

C). C. url

D). D. success

How can you handle a successful AJAX response in jQuery?

A). A. Using the fail option

B). B. Using the success option

C). C. Using the error option

D). D. Using the complete option

Which option in $.ajax() is used to specify the expected data type of the server response?

A). A. dataType

B). B. contentType

C). C. responseType

D). D. data

How can you prevent the default form submission behavior using jQuery?

A). A. Using event.preventDefault()

B). B. Using event.stopPropagation()

C). C. Using $.ajax()

D). D. Using $.post()

Which callback function in $.ajax() is executed regardless of the outcome of the request?

A). A. success

B). B. error

C). C. complete

D). D. done

Which method is used to serialize form data for AJAX submission in jQuery?

A). A. $.serialize()

B). B. $.post()

C). C. $.get()

D). D. $.load()

How do you handle AJAX request errors using jQuery?

A). A. Using the success option

B). B. Using the done option

C). C. Using the error option

D). D. Using the complete option

Which option allows you to specify the URL to send the AJAX request to in $.ajax()?

A). A. type

B). B. data

C). C. url

D). D. dataType

What method in jQuery is commonly used to handle AJAX requests?

A). A. $.ajax()

B). B. $.submit()

C). C. $.click()

D). D. $.toggle()