What does the Object.values(obj) method return?
A). An array of object keys.
B). An array of object values.
C). An array of object properties.
D). An array of object methods.
How do you inherit properties and methods from a...
A). class SubClass extends SuperClas...
B). class SubClass inherits SuperCla...
C). class SubClass implements Super...
D). class SubClass derives SuperCla...
What is the correct way to create an empty object...
A). var obj = {};
B). var obj = ();
C). var obj = [];
D). var obj = <{}>;
What is the purpose of the 'this' keyword in a co...
A). It refers to the new object bei...
B). It refers to the global object.
C). It refers to the current object.
D). It refers to the parent object.
How do you check if an object has a property 'col...
A). 'color' in obj
B). obj.hasProperty('color');
C). obj.contains('color');
D). obj.propertyExists('color');
How do you iterate over all properties of an obj...
A). for (var prop in person)
B). forEach(prop in person)
C). for (var prop of person)
D). forEach(prop of person)
What does Object.keys(obj) return?
A). An array of object keys.
B). An array of object values.
C). An array of object properties.
D). An array of object methods.
How do you define a constructor function for crea...
A). function Car(make, model) { thi...
B). Car(make, model) { this.make = m...
C). var Car = function(make, model) ...
D). Car = function(make, model) { t...
What happens if you access a non-existent property...
A). It returns undefined.
B). It throws an error.
C). It returns null.
D). It returns true.
How do you add a new property 'age' with value 25...
A). person.age = 25;
B). person['age'] = 25;
C). person.add('age', 25);
D). person.push('age', 25);