How do you add a new property 'age' with value 25...
A). person.age = 25;
B). person['age'] = 25;
C). person.add('age', 25);
D). person.push('age', 25);
What will console.log(obj.toString()) output?
A). The string representation of...
B). The object itself.
C). An error.
D). 1
How do you iterate over all properties of an obj...
A). for (var prop in person)
B). forEach(prop in person)
C). for (var prop of person)
D). forEach(prop of person)
What is the purpose of the 'super' keyword in a ...
A). It calls methods from the paren...
B). It creates a new instance of the...
C). It refers to the current object.
D). It checks for property existence.
What is the output of console.log(obj.prop) if ob...
A). It prints undefined.
B). It throws an error.
C). It prints null.
D). It prints true.
How do you create an instance of the 'Car' objec...
A). var myCar = new Car('Toyota', ...
B). var myCar = Car('Toyota', 'Corol...
C). var myCar = create Car('Toyota',...
D). var myCar = construct Car('Toyo...
What happens if you access a non-existent property...
A). It returns undefined.
B). It throws an error.
C). It returns null.
D). It returns true.
How can you remove a property 'email' from an obj...
A). delete;
B). user.remove('email');
C). = null;
D). user.pop('email');
How do you get the number of properties in an obj...
A). Object.keys(book).length
B). book.countProperties()
C). book.totalProperties()
D). book.length()
What does Object.keys(obj) return?
A). An array of object keys.
B). An array of object values.
C). An array of object properties.
D). An array of object methods.