How can you apply print-specific styles to an HTML page using CSS media queries?

Answer & Solution

Answer: Option Option A
You can apply print-specific styles to an HTML page using CSS media queries by using the @media print {} block in CSS. This block allows you to define styles that are specifically applied when printing the page. Within @media print {}, you can set print-specific styles such as page margins, font sizes, colors, and other layout adjustments to optimize the printed output. Media queries like @media screen {}, @media all {}, or @media handheld {} are not suitable for defining print-specific styles, as they target different media types or devices.
Related Questions on Average

What is the purpose of using print-specific styles in web development?

A). To optimize web page layouts for mobile devices.

B). To enhance the appearance of printed documents.

C). To apply animations to elements during printing.

D). To hide elements from the screen display.

How can you set the page margins for printing using CSS?

A). By using the margin property.

B). By using the padding property.

C). By using the border property.

D). By using the outline property.

Which JavaScript method is used to prevent the default behavior of an element's action?

A). addEventListener()

B). preventDefault()

C). onclick()

D). removeEventListener()

How can you ensure that certain elements are hidden when printing an HTML page?

A). By applying the display: none; property in a print media query.

B). By applying the visibility: hidden; property in a print media query.

C). By applying the opacity: 0; property in a print media query.

D). By applying the position: absolute; property in a print media query.

How can you test print styles in a web browser during development?

A). By printing physical copies of the documents.

B). By using print preview options in the browser.

C). By disabling print functionality temporarily.

D). By using a separate browser for printing tests.

How can you add custom content before and after the printed content of a web page?

A). By using JavaScript event listeners.

B). By using CSS pseudo-elements (:before and :after).

C). By using HTML <header> and <footer> elements.

D). By using jQuery libraries.

How can you invoke the print functionality in JavaScript?

A). By using the window.alert() method.

B). By using the window.open() method.

C). By using the window.print() method.

D). By using the window.confirm() method.

How can you hide certain elements from being printed using CSS?

A). By setting the visibility: hidden; property.

B). By setting the display: none; property.

C). By setting the opacity: 0; property.

D). By setting the overflow: hidden; property.

What is the purpose of using CSS media queries with print styles in web development?

A). To optimize page layouts for printing.

B). To hide elements on the page.

C). To change the font styles dynamically.

D). To add animations to the page.

How can you print a specific section of an HTML page when the user clicks a button?

A). By using the window.print() method.

B). By using the window.open() method.

C). By using the window.prompt() method.

D). By using the window.confirm() method.