How can you ensure that certain elements are hidden when printing an HTML page?

Answer & Solution

Answer: Option Option A
You can ensure that certain elements are hidden when printing an HTML page by applying the display: none; property in a print media query (@media print {}). This CSS property removes the elements from the document flow and prevents them from being printed. By specifying display: none; for specific elements or classes within a print media query, you can exclude them from the printed output while still displaying them on the screen. The visibility: hidden;, opacity: 0;, and position: absolute; properties are not commonly used for hiding elements during printing.
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What is the primary purpose of the window.print() method in JavaScript?

A). To open a new browser window.

B). To print the current web page or a specified element.

C). To display an alert message.

D). To redirect to another URL.

How can you set the page margins for printing using CSS?

A). By using the margin property.

B). By using the padding property.

C). By using the border property.

D). By using the outline property.

How can you hide certain elements from being printed using CSS?

A). By setting the visibility: hidden; property.

B). By setting the display: none; property.

C). By setting the opacity: 0; property.

D). By setting the overflow: hidden; property.

Which JavaScript method is commonly used to handle the click event of a print button?

A). addEventListener()

B). preventDefault()

C). onclick()

D). removeEventListener()

How can you add custom headers and footers to a printed document using CSS?

A). By using the @page rule with :after and :before pseudo-elements.

B). By using the @media print rule with header and footer selectors.

C). By using the @import rule with external CSS files.

D). By using the @keyframes rule with animation properties.

How can you print only a specific section of an HTML page using JavaScript?

A). By using the window.open() method.

B). By selecting the section and calling window.print().

C). By using the document.write() method.

D). By embedding the section in an iframe.

What is the purpose of using print-specific CSS styles in web development?

A). To enhance the appearance of printed documents.

B). To apply animations to the page when printing.

C). To change the layout on mobile devices.

D). To hide elements from the screen display.

Which HTML element is commonly used to create a print button in JavaScript?

A). <input type='button'>

B). <a>

C). <button>

D). <div>

How can you print a specific section of an HTML page when the user clicks a button?

A). By using the window.print() method.

B). By using the window.open() method.

C). By using the window.prompt() method.

D). By using the window.confirm() method.

What is the purpose of using print-specific styles in web development?

A). To optimize web page layouts for mobile devices.

B). To enhance the appearance of printed documents.

C). To apply animations to elements during printing.

D). To hide elements from the screen display.