- Java Introduction
- Java Getting Started
- Java Syntax
- Java Comments
- Java Variables
- Java Data Types
- Java Type Casting
- Java Operators
- Java Strings
- Java Math
- Java Booleans
- Java If ... Else
- Java Switch
- Java While Loop
- Java For Loop
- Java Break And Continue
- Java Arrays
- Java Methods
- Java Method Parameters
- Java Method Overloading
- Java Scope
- Java Recursion
- Java OOP
- Java Classes And Objects
- Java Class Attributes
- Java Class Methods
- Java Constructors
- Java Modifiers
- Java Encapsulation
- Java Packages
- Java Inheritance
- Java Polymorphism
- Java Inner Classes
- Java Abstraction
- Java Interface
- Java Enums
- Java User Input (Scanner)
- Java Date And Time
- Java ArrayList
- Java LinkedList
- Java HashMap
- Java HashSet
- Java Iterator
- Java Wrapper Classes
- Java Exceptions - Try...Catch
- Java Regular Expressions
- Java Threads
- Java Lambda Expressions
- Java Files
- Java Create And Write To Files
- Java Read Files
- Java Delete Files
Java Read Files
Read A File
In the previous chapter, you learned how to create and write to a file.
In the following example, we use the Scanner
class to read the contents of the text file we created in the previous chapter:
import java.io.File; // Import the File class
import java.io.FileNotFoundException; // Import this class to handle errors
import java.util.Scanner; // Import the Scanner class to read text files
public class ReadFile {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
File myObj = new File("filename.txt");
Scanner myReader = new Scanner(myObj);
while (myReader.hasNextLine()) {
String data = myReader.nextLine();
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
System.out.println("An error occurred.");
The output will be:
Files in Java might be tricky, but it is fun enough!
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Get File Information
To get more information about a file, use any of the File
import java.io.File; // Import the File class
public class GetFileInfo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
File myObj = new File("filename.txt");
if (myObj.exists()) {
System.out.println("File name: " + myObj.getName());
System.out.println("Absolute path: " + myObj.getAbsolutePath());
System.out.println("Writeable: " + myObj.canWrite());
System.out.println("Readable " + myObj.canRead());
System.out.println("File size in bytes " + myObj.length());
} else {
System.out.println("The file does not exist.");
The output will be:
Absolute path: C:\Users\MyName\filename.txt
Writeable: true
Readable: true
File size in bytes: 0
Note: There are many available classes in the Java API that can be used to read and write files in Java: FileReader, BufferedReader, Files, Scanner, FileInputStream, FileWriter, BufferedWriter, FileOutputStream
, etc. Which one to use depends on the Java version you're working with and whether you need to read bytes or characters, and the size of the file/lines etc.
Tip: To delete a file, read out Java Delete Files chapter.
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