New ESXi hosts have arrived & you are required to decommission old ESXi hosts. You have created a new cluster exclusively for new ESXi hosts but the VM are failing to migrate with CPU compatibility errors. Choose the best option from the following.
Which of the following keys would open ESXi Banner screen on DCUI?
A customer has installed two PSCs in the same Single Sign-On domain & each PSC is registered with a single instance of vCenter Server. Which of the following statements is true for this scenario?
Which of the following log files will you check for tracking a virtual machine performance every day to find on which ESXi host the VM was running five days ago?
What state a virtual machine will be in if its entry is present in VCDB (vCenter Database) but the VM is not registered to any ESXi host?
One of the LUNs of a datastore was mistakenly presented to a RHELinux physical server. How would you check the VMFS partition is still intact?
ESXi host has gone into disconnected state & you are unable to SSH into ESXi host, how would you check its vmkernel.log for errors?
While creating a new VMK Port Group you need to choose a HBA adapter of ESXi host. Which of the following statuses will show if the HBA is unused by an other VMK port Group?
Which of the following will show which VIBs will be installed or removed and if ESXi reboot or not?
What is the use of the command esxcli storage core plugin list --plugin-class=MP?