Christine Lagarde is the head of which among the following international agencies / bodies?
AoA in context with World Trade Organization is_____?
Areas which are engines for economic growth supported by quality infrastructure and complemented by an attractive fiscal package are known as
Consider the following statements.
Most internationals agencies which fund development programmes in Indian on inter-government bilateral agreements, mainly provide.
1. Technical assistance
2. Soft loans which are required to be paid back with interest
3. Grants, not required to be paid back
4. Food assistance to alleviate poverty
FDI in Multi-Brand Retail Trade (MBRT) in all products is now permitted in India subject to
1. a ceiling of 51%
2. minimum amount to be brought in as FDI by the foreign investor is US 100 million.
3. at least 50% of the procurement of manufactured/processed products should be sourced from 'small industries'.
4. retail sales locations set-up only in cities with a population of more than 10 lakh.Select the correct answer using the codes given below
Which of the following were the aims behind the setting up of the World Trade Organization (WTO)?
1. promotion of free trade and resource flows across countries
2. protection of intellectual property rights
3. managing balanced trade between different countries
4. promotion of trade between the former East Bloc countries and the Western World
Consider the following statements in respect of the functions of World Trade Organisation (WTO):
1. It seeks to make international trade free by establishing predictable and transparent ground rules.
2. It promotes capital flow from developed to developing countries.
3. It provides a forum for trade negotiations.
4. It works as a neutral agency for settlement of trade disputes.
Identify the correct statements from the above:
Which of the following statement is not correct in relation to International Monetary Fund?
1. India is a founder member of the IMF.
2. IMF conducts regular review of India's economic status under Article IV.
3. India?s quota in the IMF is more than 2 per cent
4. Finance Minister is ex-officio Governor of the IMF.
The New Economic Policy (1991) was launched in the background of the following economic indicators:
1. India's foreign exchange reserves had fallen to US 1 billion.
2. The fall of the Soviet Union had deprived India of almost a quarter of its export market.
3. There was negative growth in real GDP.Indian rupee had to be devalued by 45 per cent.
Which of the following pairs are correctly matched?
1. Increase in-monetary expansion
2. Low import growth rate in India-Recession in Indian industry
3. Euro-issues-Shares held by Indian companies in European countries
4. Portfolio investment-Foreign institutional investors.