Consider the following diagram, which represents a migration from a Baseline to a Target Architecture:
Which of the following answers best interprets the unlabeled symbol in the middle of the diagram?
At ArchiSurance, the Recruit Employee process passes information to the Select Employee process, which in turn passes information to the Make Offer to Employee process: Which ArchiMate relationship should be used to express the passage of information between processes?
At ArchiSurance, a Risk Assessment service provided by a Risk Measurement application enables actuaries to assess and mitigate financial risks as part of the Enterprise Risk Management process. Which combination of relationships, when added to this diagram, would best represent this situation?
Consider the following symbol that represents information about a major systems and process transformation project: What concept does this symbol represent?
The Legally Yours division of ArchiSurance has introduced a new product described in the following diagram: Based on the diagram, what can we tell about the Legally Yours Premium Legal Services Insurance product?
Which standard ArchiMate viewpoint focuses on the organization of a company, department or other group of people and locations?
The team of business architects at ArchiSurance wants to tailor ArchiMate to the specific needs and characteristics of their organization. Which of the following options to tailor the language is not advisable?
Within the Implementation & Migration Extension, which concept is the only one that models behavior?
The PRO-FIT automobile insurance division of ArchiSurance instructs its employees to watch carefully for claims that may be fraudulent, and to file a Suspicious Activity Report if they suspect fraud. Consider the following diagram that describes how PRO-FIT reacts when its employees suspect fraud: Which of the following statements is expressed by the diagram?
Which of the following answers contain only concepts within the scope of the ArchiMate Motivation extension?