Which file has coordinator disk group information while configuring I/O fencing?
What is the primary benefit of implementing the Intelligent Monitoring Framework feature for resources?
How is Intelligent Monitoring Framework configured?
Which resource type attribute enables Veritas Cluster Server to bring a resource online after it goes offline unexpectedly before faulting the resource?
Given a service group with all resources online, what should be done to prevent the top resource in a dependency tree from causing a failover when it is taken offline outside the cluster?
Which actions are required to enable a service group to run on all systems in a cluster simultaneously?
Which characteristic of Veritas Cluster Server attributes allows the public interface to be different for each of the systems in the cluster?
What is the purpose of the Quorum resource type in a fencing environment?
Refer to the following service group example:
group websg ( SystemList = { sym1 = 0, sym2 = 1 }
AutoStart = 0
AutoStartList = { sym2 }
DiskGroup webdg (
DiskGroup = webdg
IP webip (
Device = eth0
Address = ""
NetMask = ""
Mount webmnt (
MountPoint = "/web1"
BlockDevice = "/dev/vx/dsk/webdg/webvol"
FSType = vxfs
MountOpt = rw
FsckOpt = "-y"
NIC webnic (
Device = eth0
Application webproc (
MonitorProgram = /usr/local/bin/web -monitor
StartProgram = /usr/local/bin/web -start
StopProgram = /usr/local/bin/web -stop
webip requires webproc
webproc requires webmnt
webip requires webnic
webmnt requires webdg
Which resource will start online last?
An application is experiencing failures. The application administrator wants Veritas Cluster Server to take all resources offline after failure. The application should remain offline. Which attribute can accomplish this?