How many systems in the cluster can the NotifierMngr run on at one time?
Which resource type enables VCS to determine the status of service groups with only persistent resources?
Which VCS bundled agent can be used to mirror the state of a NIC resource to another service group?
Which directive is used in /etc/llttab to define a low-priority link?
How would you enable the setting of different values for the Device attribute of the NIC resource named NetNIC?
In a 5-node cluster with two configured heartbeat links, to what should you set the GAB seeding value?
Given the following lltstat output:
LLT node information:
Node State Link Status Address
0 SystemA OPEN
nic0 UP 00:03:BA:37:20:84
nic1 UP 00:03:BA:37:20:85
1 SystemB OPEN
nic0 UP 00:03:BA:36:E7:B0
nic1 UP 00:03:BA:36:E7:B1
Which statement is true?
Under which condition will the service group attempt to fail over with default service group attribute settings except FaultPropagation=0?
How would you determine the minimum RAM required to run a VCS cluster?
Which system is unsuitable for use in a multinode cluster?
System S1:
one local drive three network interfaces access to shared storage multiple processors two HBAs
System S2:
two mirrored local drives three network interfaces access to shared storage a single processor two HBAs
System S3:
two mirrored local drives three network interfaces access to shared storage multiple processors one HBA
System S4:
two mirrored local drives three network interfaces multiple processors two HBAs