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In SQL Server, what is the correct sequence of steps for creating a partitioned table using horizontal partitioning
You are checking the security of an SQL Server instance of a database. The requirements are listed as follows:
Which of the following commands is used to set the SQL Server sample to meet the requirements?
You have created the following dbo.Emp_records procedures and you want to check if any procedure of that name exists. If it exists already, then delete the procedure and create a new one. However, the following procedure generates an error. Identify the correct code which performs the task.
IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.sys_files WHERE SCHEMA_ID = SCHEMA_ID('dbo') AND name = N 'Emp_records')
DROP PROCEDURE dbo.Emp_records
Create Procedure dbo.Emp_records( @EmpFirstName Varchar(200), @EmpLastName Varchar(200), @EmpEmail Varchar(50))
As Begin Insert into tbl_Employees(Firstname, lastname, Email) Values("@EmpFirstName", "@EmpLastName", "@EmpEmail") End
The following code was used to create a stored procedure for adding the details of a new category to the table named category:
CREATE PROCEDURE prcAddCategory@ CategoryId
char(3), @Category char(20), @Descrip char(30)
INSERT Category
VALUES(‘CategoryId’, ’Category’, ’Descrip’)
After successful creation of the following procedure the following code was used to execute the procedure
for inserting a new category:
Exec prcAddCategory‘ 017’, ‘War Games’, ‘A wider range of toy guns’
In an SQL Server, the following cursor generates a report of vendors who have sold or distributed a particular product. However, the following cursor generates an error. Rectify the error and identify the correct code. SET NOCOUNT ON;
PRINT@ message
DECLARE product_cursor CURSOR FOR
FROM Prod_VendorTbl pv, ProductTbl v
WHERE pv.ProductID = v.ProductID
OPEN product_cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM product_cursor INTO@ product
PRINT ' <<None>>'
SELECT@ message = ' ' + @product
PRINT@ message
FETCH NEXT FROM product_cursor INTO@ product
FETCH NEXT FROM vendor_cursor
INTO@ v_id, @v_name
You are managing an SQL database called ContractCust, which is down. You try to restore using the following Transact-SQL script.
RESTORE DATABASE ContractCust FROM contracts_bu_device
You are managing two SQL servers called Tester1 and Tester2. There is a database called MyDataBase in Tester1, you decide to transfer the MyDataBase from Tester1 to Tester2. A person uses an SQL Server login named clerk with the password "p@$$w0rd" to enter the database on Tester1. You develop the same SQL Server login on Tester2. The user tries to process MyDataBase database on Tester2 by utilizing the SQL Server login clerk. However, the user gets an error message which implies that the access to the MyDataBase is not allowed. Which of the following will you use make sure that the user can process the MyDataBase database?
In an SQL Server, which of the following statements are true for user-defined functions?
What is the error in the following SQL Server code:
USE EmployeeProjects2012;
DELETE EmployeeProjects2012.HR.JobCandidate
WHERE JobCandidateID = 13;
DELETE RemoteServer.EmployeeProjects2012.HR.JobCandidate
WHERE JobCandidateID = 13;