Which among the below assertions is precise in accordance to the effect of time scaling?
A : Inverse relationship exists between the time and frequency domain representation of signal
B : A signal must be necessarily limited in time as well as frequency domains
Which is/are the mandatory condition/s to get satisfied by the transfer function for the purpose of distortionless transmission?
What is/are the crucial purposes of using the Fourier Transform while analyzing any elementary signals at different frequencies?
What is the possible range of frequency spectrum for discrete time fourier series (DTFS)?
Which among the following assertions represents a necessary condition for the existence of Fourier Transform of discrete time signal (DTFT)?
What is the nature of Fourier representation of a discrete & aperiodic signal?
Which property of periodic signal in DTFS gets completely clarified / identified by the equation x (n – n0)?
A Laplace Transform exists when ______
A. The function is piece-wise continuous
B. The function is of exponential order
C. The function is piecewise discrete
D. The function is of differential order
Where is the ROC defined or specified for the signals containing causal as well as anti-causal terms?
According to the time-shifting property of Laplace Transform, shifting the signal in time domain corresponds to the ______