Following the completion of an unusually arduous day at the office, Sue happily enjoyed the ______ experience of relaxing in the hot tub while watching television learning that she just won the state lottery.
I trust a proposal for matrimony would seem more ______ were it written in the sky, or written on a scoreboard, or written in a test question for the SAT prep; which is what I am formally doing now in asking Teressa for her hand in marriage.
Friends of the theater have long decried the ---- of the New York drama critics, whose reviews can determine the fate of a play in a single night.
The ---- manner in which the teacher candidate addressed the school board was a key factor in his rejection; the school board members agreed that enthusiasm is an essential quality in a teacher.
Her ---- writing style made it difficult to follow her thought processes--no surprise to her colleagues, who were familiar with her ---- manner of speech.
The giant squid is still ---- marine biologists, as it has never been seen alive, making it impossible to study in its natural habitat.
Advertising can increase sales of a ---- product, but it cannot create demand for a bad one; consumers may buy a ---- item because of advertising--but only once.
Like Truman, who was never considered a major national figure until Roosevelt's death made him president, Ford attained national prominence only after ---- thrust him into the presidency.
Thus far, predictions that global ---- would lead to mass starvation have proven false; however, in the years to come, population - --- may yet prove to be one of the world's greatest problems.
Amelia Earhart's hope of being the first woman to fly around the globe was ---- when she disappeared in the middle of her ---- journey.