Which data sources can be used to create reports and analysis using SAS Web Report Studio? (Choose two.)
Which statement is true regarding roles?
In the default configuration, which application does not prompt for user credentials?
When you register a stored process in the metadata, you specify the type of output the stored process can produce. What is a valid value for the output options in the metadata?

To implement a stored process, the content developer must write the programming code, register the stored process in the metadata and test the stored process. Which client application can be used to complete all three steps?
A stored process link is available from a Collection Portlet in the SAS Information Delivery Portal. A content developer wants to allow the user to select a style for stored process output. Which reserved macro variable would the developer use as the name of the prompt?
In a stored process, a multiple value prompt selection named Country is used. Which macro variable can a developer use in SAS code to determine how many values the user selected?
The metadata libname engine is commonly used with stored process to ensure that metadata security is enforced to control access to the data. Which options do not have a default value and must be manually coded in the libname statement?
A stored process will be used to provide a dynamic data source for an information map. Which type of code is executed to query data from the information map?
In SAS Information Map Studio, where can you set the Initial Creation Rule for relationships between data sources?