In R, which of the following functions is used to find out whether the means of two groups are equal to each other or not?
In R, which of the following sequences of the functions is used to find the total number of separate individual characters in a string?
In R, a discrete variable is generated by using the _________ function and is tabulated by using the ___________ function.
In R, which of the following statements about the clustering is correct:
  1. The function kmeans() is used for the K-means clustering.
  2. The specification of the number of clusters is not mandatory to use the function kmeans().
  3. The basic hierarchical clustering function is hclust().
What is the output of the following R code:
x < -1: 10
test < - function(x) {
    if (x < 5) {
        x - 1
    } else {
        x / x
apply(as.matrix(x), 1, test)
In R, which of the following functions is used to plot the empirical distribution function with confidence intervals?
What is the output of the following R code:
mystery_method < - function(x) {
    function(z) Reduce(function(y, w) w(y), x, z)
fn < -mystery_method(c(function(x) x + 1, function(x) x * x))
In R, which of the following methods is used to save a chart as a Window metafile?
In R, which of the following functions is used to coerce an object from one class to another?
In R, which of the following statements about the data frames is correct:
  1. It is a special type of list.
  2. The elements should not be of same length.
  3. Each element of the list is considered as the columns of the matrix.
  4. The length of each element is considered as the number of rows in the matrix.