A customer with a POWERS 520 running IBM i is debating consolidating to a POWER7+770 that is currently only running AIX, or replacing the POWERS with a POWER7+720. The budget is limited, and the customer SWMA contract is expired. Which option is the most economical?
A customer would like to share a tape library among multiple partitions to run backups on a nightly basis, but doesnt have the budget for a fibre switch or dedicated fibre adapters. They need to be able to have their single fibre adapter available to each partition on a scheduled basis. What product or feature can help accommodate this requirement?
A customer with a POWERS 520 and a FC #0595 expansion unit wants to upgrade to a POWER7+720. The customer has TS2900 SCSI-attached tape drive and 20 70GB disk units. Which elements of the original system can be used in the new system?
A POWER7+system managed by IBM i is hosting an IBM i client that requires 24 virtual disks. What is the minimum host configuration to support the client storage?
A customer has a large quantity of LTO-2 media. The customer would like to be able to read that media, while at the same time acquiring a tape library which supports hardware encryption. Which LTO format and attachment method supports these requirements?
A POWER6 customer with IBM i is migrating to POWER7 and is concerned about system performance. Which of the following tools can provide a system recommendation based on the customer's performance requirements?
A customer wants to automate e-mailing the BRMS Recovery Reports to multiple e-mail addresses after the daily backup has run. Which of the following licensed program products is able to do this?

When virtualizing physical tape with IBM i Virtual Partition Manager (VPM) to client partitions, which statement is correct?
An IBM i 7.1 customer with a Power 720 needs to occasionally run a small test environment of IBM i. The environment doesnt require regular backups, availability isn't a factor, and consistent I/O performance isnt important. The test environment needs to be deployed quickly, and must be redeployed with a fresh instance after testing. Which of these following configurations supports these requirements?
A customer running IBM i VSR4MO on a POWERS 520 is considering purchasing a POWER7+720. What steps should be performed as part of the upgrade/migration process?