Which statement about Net8 tracing is true?
Your system has 900 concurrent users. They connect using TCP/IP and 255 connections per process are
supported. How many dispatcher processes should the DBA initially specify?
Which parameter can you set, to enable the dead connection detection feature?
You are using the host naming method assuming the GLOBAL_DBNAME is wwwed-sun.us.oracle.com and the
SID_NAME is TST8. How should you specify the connection request?
Which is the benefit of the Oracle Advanced Security option?
A DBA has installed and configured Net8 for TCP/IP on the client and server, but is still unable to connect from
a Windows NT workstation, using SQL *Plus, to an Oracle instance running on a remote UNIX server.
However, there are no problems when using FTP between the two nodes. What action next taken by the DBA
could make progress toward diagnosing the problem?
Which statement regarding network security is false?
A DBA has determined that he or she can telnet from a client to the database server but is unable to connect
using Net8. Which utility should be used next to determine connectivity to an Oracle service on the server?
When configuring for Network Access Protocol in which file can you define RULE_LIST parameters?
When the Names Server is shutdown the service names are written to the _____________ File located in the
ORACLE_HOME \network\names directory on NT or in the ORACLE_HOME/network/names directory on