You have created an editor named MyEditor, and you want it to be available to edit the text item Product_Description. You can associate the editor with the text item by setting the Editor property of Product_Description to MyEditor.
The Orders form has a button labeled Execute Query with the following When-Button Pressed trigger:
IF: GLOBAL.customer_id IS NOT NULL
SET_BLOCK_PROPERTY ('orders', DEFAULT_WHERE, 'orders.customer_id =
You want to duplicate that functionality in a menu item for the Summit menu that is attached To the Orders form.
What changes must you make to the code so that the menu code functions as it does in the form?
You have installed WebLogic and Forms with a default configuration, which has been tested and determined to be correct.
After creating a basic form in the Forms Builder, you click Run Form to test it. Forms Builder displays an error dialog box with the following message:
FRM-10142: The HTTP Listener is not running on at port 9001.
Please start the listener or check your runtime preferences.
What is one action that you can take to resolve this error?
You put some code in a Post_Update trigger and raise the FORM_TRIGGER_FAILURE under certain conditions. Does a rollback take place if the trigger falls?
On the Employees form, you do not want the cursor to enter the Employee_Id text item, which is the first item in the first block on the form. You code a Pre-Textitem trigger for that item that uses the GO_ITEM built-in to navigate to the next item.
What happens when you run the form from Forms Builder?
Yon have created a list item for the Credit__Rating field in the Customers form, the Finance department usually determines a range of scores that pertain to the
customer, the values in the list are Excellent, Good, Fair, and Poor, corresponding to the ranges provided by Finance. The default value Fair, because that is the
range that applies to most customers.
Sometimes, Finance can provide an exact credit score; so users must be able to enter the exact numerical value if it is known. Often clerks enter the customer data
before the performance of a credit check, so they must be able to enter a blank value if the credit rating is not yet determined.
Users want to be able to select a blank value from the list, but the list does not display a blank line for them to select. How can you meet this requirement without
changing the default value of the list item?
A clerk is using the Human Resources form, which displays a department and its associated employees on the same canvas. Only two Items in the form are
Possible navigation units that can occur during navigation of this form are:
1. Outside the form
2. The Human Resources form
3. The Departments block
4. The Employees block
5. The current Departments record
6. The current Employees record
7. The Department_Id item
8. The Employee_Id item
With the cursor in : Departments.Department_Id, the clerk clicks the :Employees.Employee_Id item.
What is the sequence of navigational unit movement that occurs?