Oracle FLEXCUBE terminology, what do Product and Contract denote, respectively?
Where is the Routing mask (for clearing transactions) defined?
The Interest, Oracle Commission, and Fees are handled using the ICCF Rule definition in
Oracle FLEXCUBE. Which statements are true about ICCF?
A) Branch-specific ICCF is supported in Oracle FLEXCUBE
B) Customer Group specific ICCF a supported in Oracle FLEXCUBE
C) Currency-specific ICCF is supported in Oracle FLEXCUBE
D) Country-specific ICCF is supported in Oracle FLEXCUBE
What is possible regarding Ear Marking?
What is the purpose of the "SI" button on the CIF screen?
A bank has entered into a USD Spot Deal with a customer on Monday, January 15 and
there are no holidays during the week. On which date will the transaction be settled in the
Oracle FLEXCUBE has a modular architecture. A bank is replacing its old legacy system
with Oracle FLEXCUBE. The bank currently uses Payments facilities only. It has a
roadmap to support Trade Finance module after one year. Which statements are true
regarding implementing Oracle FLEXCUBE?
A) The bank has to implement all modules available in Oracle FLEXCUBE at the time ofGo-Live.
B) The bank can go live with Payments-related modules only.
C) The bank can implement Trade Finance modules after one year on top of Paymentsrelated
modules by doing delta product parameterization for the Trade Finance modules.
D) Bank can go live with Payments and Trade Finance modules. It will not be possible to
plug in Trade Finance module post Go-live.
An interest rule, CRIN, has a UD? called RATE, with the following attributes:
Floating rate RATE0l for product CRIN Account class ACCLASS1 Currency is USD
Also, product CRIN has monthly liquidation, at the end of month, and daily accrual.
Valid rates for RATE01 for USD are maintained as follows:
Eff Date Rate
01-Jan-08 4%
15-Jan-08 4.5%
If today's date is 10-Jan-08 and the maintenance for l5-Jan-08 is closed today, what is
true regarding interest calculation by the system?
A new User ID called TESTUSER was created. However, the Maker (the one who
created the ID) deleted this User ID before it was authorized. Later, he/she realizes that
the deleted record is needed. Which should the Maker do to get back the deleted ID?
What happens if a contract is marked for autoliquidation and the liquidation day turns out
to be a holiday?