For a Debit Interest Product "DRIN" with monthly liquidation, the "Back-valued recalc"
check box is selected. A rate "RATE01", used in the interest calculation, is maintained as
Eff Date Rate%
l-Jan-08 4
l-Feb-08 4.1
If today's date is 18-Feb-08 and the rate against l-Jan-08 is modified to 4.05, then what
does the system do?
A bank follows 01-Jan to 31-Dec as Accounting Cycle and follows Period Codes Jan,
Feb,...till Dec. Which statement is true about Period Codes maintenance in Oracle
What does Settlement Instruction maintenance in FT Module refer to?
A) defining the Settlement Account for the Sender Bank which will be used as Debit
Account in case of Incoming Fund Transfer.
B) defining the Credit Account for the Branch, Product and Currency combination which
will be used as Credit Account in case of Outgoing Fund Transfer.
C) defining the Routing Bank Information for the Receiver selected in the FT Contract
Input and using the same in the Contract settlement.
D) Settlement Instruction used only in Internal Fund Transfer.