Which of the following statements about Credit Limits in Portal pricing is TRUE?
When working with product dependencies, ___________ means Deals cannot be owned concurrently with other Deals. ____________ is when Deals or Plans can be replacements for others. ____________ defines
Deals a customer must own in order to purchase an additional Deal.
When working with Required or Optional Deals, which of the following statements is TRUE?
Which of the following statements about prerequisite Deals is TRUE?
Which of the following statements about prerequisite Deal is TRUE?
Which of the following statements about Mutually Exclusive Deals is TRUE?
Which of the following statements about transitions in Pricing objects is TRUE?
When a customer transitions from one Plan to another in the middle of the cycle, which of the following behaviors is expected to occur?
Plan A offers dial-up and email service. Plan B offers broadband service. At any point in time, a customer can switch from Plan A to Plan B but cannot own both. It does not matter if the customer switches from Plan A to
Plan B or vice versa, all purchase and cancellation fees will be waived. Identify the best Pricing configuration for the above scenario
Which of the following is an example of an event in Portal?