You can use a When-List-Activated trigger to trap a user section. For which list item style can you do this?
You created a When-Validate-Item trigger for every item in the EMP_DATA data block. When you run the form in Debug mode, how could you display the ongoing messages about trigger execution?
Which item type can you edit with the Editor object?
You have created two separate data blocks on two content canvases. Users complain that when they navigate to block two, they can no longer see the block one data. How could you enable them to see both canvases at once?
In a control block on the ORD canvas, there is a CUST_DATA button. When pressed, the button activates this When-Button-Pressed trigger: GO BLOCK('CUST_DATA'); EXECUTE_QUERY; What will happen when this trigger fires?
You have created a master-detail form based on the DEPT and EMP tables. When there are no employees in a department, you want to display a different message to the user in place of the informative message FRM- 40350 Query caused no records to be retrieved. You code a block-level ON-ERROR trigger on the EMP block with this code: IF ERROR CODE = 40350 THEN MESSAGE ('There are no employees in this department'); Else MESSAGE(ERROR_TYPE || '-' || TO_CHAR(ERROR_CODE) || ': ' || ERROR_TEXT); END IF; When you run the form and navigate to a department which has no employees, the default FRM-40350 message appears, rather than the message you coded. How should you correct this?
Which data type does the SHOW_ALERT built-in return?
Which built-in subprogram can be used to return the contents of a variable as an indirect reference?
Which trigger can you use to ensure that no dependent detail rows have been inserted by another user since the master record was marked for deletion from a form?
Which three options does the Data Block Wizard allow you to select as a data source for a block? (Choose three)