You have a control on the front panel of a VI and you need to modify one of its properties at run time. Which of the following is the best approach you would take?
Which combination of words correctly completes the following statement?
Unlike __________, which display an entire waveform that overwrites the data already stored, ___________ update periodically and maintain a history of the data
previously stored.
You customize a control, select Control from the Type Def. Status pull-down menu, and save the control as a .ctl file. You then use an instance of the custom
control on your front panel window. If you open the .ctl file and modify the control, does the control on the front panel window change?
You develop a SubVI that only outputs a value and need to use this SubVI in a (calling) VI. Which of the following is the best way to enforce dataflow to control the
execution of the SubVI?