How should you configure Store Operations to allow a cashier access to Store Operations Manager?
You have noticed one of the cashiers has been performing more sales returns than expected so you have modified the Detailed Sales active report to track only the return transactions and the return reason code by that cashier. What should you do to save this report to retrieve it later?
Which transaction type best satisfies the requirements if your store has insufficient quantity of an item a customer would like to purchase?
How is the quantity of an item affected if a transaction is placed on hold?
Which Store Operations Administrator operation changes an Retail Management System database from Latin1_General_BIN to SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS?
In Store Operations POS, you select Journal to view an electronic copy of the last transaction's receipt, but nothing is displayed. What should you configure to view the journals?
Roughly how long will Store Operations operate without restrictions if the Software Copy Protection Device (Dongle) is damaged or misplaced?
In order for the Z report to balance (i.e. Over/Short is $0.00), what processes must be completed prior to printing the Z report?
Users can create custom POS buttons for which of the following functions?
Which options are available when creating a purchase order?