Which of the following document types display in the grid area of the Payment Application screen so you can apply payments to them? Choose the 2 that apply.
Which of the following happens when the status on a Customer record in Customer Maintenance is changed to Admin Hold?
After you have entered an invoice and released it, which of the following can you edit in Document Maintenance? Choose the 2 that apply.
What is the maximum character length of the Name field in Accounts Receivable Customer Maintenance?
You want to enter a credit to a customer for services performed. How should you enter this credit?
Which of the following are necessary to be able to send invoices via Quick Send? Choose the 2 that apply.
You determine that a group of invoices was entered twice and released both times. What should you do to correct the situation?
You are entering payments in the Payment Application screen and must write off a small underpayment, but the Balance Write-Off button is disabled. Why? Choose the 2 that apply.
At the end of each month, you assess finance charges on past-due invoices and then send statements to your customers. Which processes must you run before you print the statements? Choose the 2 that apply.
At year end, you want to delete certain inactive customers. Which customers will you be able to delete?