Consider the following scenario:
Your store has 4 computers connected via a Local Area Network. You plan on installing Microsoft Point of
Sale on each computer to perform the following tasks:
Computer 1: Primary Point of Sale register
Computer 2: Secondary Point of Sale register used during weekends and holidays
Computer 3: Back office machine used to print reports, enter items, and create Purchase Orders
Computer 4: Back office macine used to receive purchase orders and update inventory
Considering this setup, how many licenses of Microsoft Point of Sale must you purchase?
What is the first step for using practice mode?

Microsoft Point of Sale works on which operating systems?(Choose the 2 that apply.)
"Which of the following are part of the minimum installation environment for Microsoft Point of Sale? (Choose the 3 that apply.)"
What is the default port assigned to the MSDE Instance when installing Microsoft Point of Sale?
What is the name of the default MSDE instance installed with Microsoft Point of Sale?
Before you can ring up a sale, tender types must be set up where?
What's the difference between closing a batch and posting a batch?
What composes a sales tax?
Typically, you have one receipt format for each type of what?