When generating a report using a Reporting Tree, you would like to automatically run a single parent unit
within the tree. Which of the following must be defined?
When designing a report that includes a Reporting Tree, which of the following options are available when
using the File, Send option in the DrillDown Viewer?
You would like to sort the expense section of your report from highest to lowest. Which of the following options or fields require definition in the Row Format?
Your GL account mask is Center-Natural-Dept (3-4-2). Which of the following is a valid Account Filter in the Column Layout, when filtering department 00 of the third segment?
You would like to sort the expense section of your report from highest to lowest. Which of the following options or fields require definition in the Row Format?
You have previously created a report pulling data from both the general ledger and two external
spreadsheets (WKS1 & WKS2). A new department has been added to the general ledger, and data related
to this department was added to one of the existing spreadsheets, below the data currently included in
reports. What steps must
be taken to update the report?
You would like to define a Row Format using segments one and two of a four segment account mask. What is the proper syntax entered in Column H, the Link to General Ledger column?
You would like to sort the expense section of your report from highest to lowest. Which of the following options or fields require definition in the Row Format?