You have ordered 10 items from a vendor, but when you receive the goods, five of the items are damaged and must be returned. Which of the following options can you choose in order to returns these items?
You have created a sales order for the customer and you used the Create direct delivery function to create the purchase order for your vendor. Your vendor sends you a packing slip and you packing slip update the purchase order. What is going to happen on the sales order
A customer returns some items to you and you create a sales order of the type Returned item. It is then necessary to specify a return action. What is determined by the type of return action selected?
You select four sales orders for invoice updating, two orders with one customer and two with another customer. Each customer has their own invoice account. You invoice update the orders and in the Summary update field, select 'Invoice account' how many invoice updates are printed?
An item has the Picking requirement check box selected in the inventory model group. How does this parameter affect the update of a sales order line?
A serialized item is set up with picking requirement in the Inventory model group and in the dimension group the check box Blank issue allowed is selected. How does this affect the picking process?

The item CL-100-C is not sold very often and it is therefore decided that an extra handling fee of USD 5.00 always must be automatically added to the total net amount on the sales order line for this item. How is this type of fee set up in Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 ?
Which of the following statements regarding supplementary items are correct?
A salesperson wishes to run a price simulation on an entire sales quotation instead of on individual line items. Which of the following can affect the way the header level discounts are applied to the individual line items?
The purchase order price of the item ESB-005 is specified as the following. Price: $20, Price unit: 1, Price Misc. Charges: $2, Price quantity: 5 and Incl. In unit price is selected. What is the net amount for the purchase of 10 ESB-005?