Which functions can be performed when multiple inventory sites have been set up?
When the Update GL for All Inventory Transactions field is checked in the Inventory Setup screen, which of the following applies?
Which inventory valuation method is used to maintain cost layers for items based on receipt date?
Which feature in the Inventory module can be used to associate characteristics to inventory items for searching purposes?
Which of the following inventory valuation methods is not supported by the Solomon Inventory module?
A company needs the ability to perform a partial physical count on a group of items that are not based on the cost or sales activity of the inventory items. Which of the physical inventory fields on the Physical Cycle tab in the Inventory Items screen can be used to meet the needs of this client?
A company receives goods to a particular location for the purpose of inspection before the items can be sold. When the goods pass inspection they are moved to another location. The inspection site has Qty Available "unchecked", how should the Sales Allowed field be set?
The Release IN Batches screen in the Inventory module only displays batches that have which of the following statuses?
Which feature in the Inventory module can be used to set up the part numbers of the manufacturers to streamline the entry of Purchase Orders and Sales Orders?
When cost of goods sold is calculated for the sale of average cost items, at which level of detail is the average cost found?