The population of Delhi in the year 1991 was 65698. It increased to 560729 in 2001. Find the increase in the population of Delhi in 2001 over that of 1991.
There are 30145 teachers working in primary schools in Maharashtra. There are 1049 teachers in upper primary schools, 935 teachers in secondary schools and 5622 teachers in higher secondary schools in the same state. What is the total number of school teachers in the state?
A finance company sold shares worth Rs. 9540. If each share costs Rs. 45, find the total number of shares sold?
There are 144 boxes containing 48 batteries each. If each battery weighs 632 g, find the total weight of the batteries.
An oil well produces 680 liters of oil every hour. How much oil is produced in 15 days?
A company employs 19 people. Each person is paid Rs. 77642 as salary in a year. What is the total salary paid in a year?
There are 17 villages in a state. Each village has a population of 26564. What is the total population of the state?
A factory costs Rs. 1500000. A man has Rs. 800000 with him. How much more money does he require to buy the factory?
The male population of a state is 27986. The female population is 7389 less than the male population. What is the female population of the state?
An oil well produces 834 liters of oil in the first year and 756 liters in the second year. How many liters of oil did the well produce in two years?